You Raise One, & Only One, Important Issue
Specifically, the speed at which the change-over occurs. If we choose to phase self-driving vehicles via normal market processes over time the number of problems and cost in blood and treasure will be significantly greater than if we, as a society, did something unique and unprecedented. For example, Paris just banned all cars over 20 years old from entering the city. This ban drops to 10 years by 2020 as I recall.
My Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, has an article outlining one such proposal entitled, Self-Driving Cars vs. Stupid Human Tricks. While I have no expectation this idea would see the light of day, it is the direction we need to pursue.
Simply put, all the evidence so far is unequivocal. That human driving errors cause virtually all of the accidents associated with self-driving cars. Said differently, humans are the most dangerous part of any car and thus the source of all the problems you, as someone who “loves” driving, bitch about.
So, this one is for you. “Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”
Doc Huston