What AI Report Doesn’t Say is Critical to Know
As one who follows this area closely, the aggressiveness in putting this report out actually highlights the accelerating magnitude of the risks the report avoids discussing. In other word, AI is such an extraordinary technology that will imminently wash over the entire social, political, technological and economic landscape in a way no other technology has done before.
That, like all technologies, AI is a double-edge sword. And, here is the rub. All the risks in the report are massaged and given short shrift. It is like saying nuclear technology is just going to give us clean, cheap energy — not to worry. AI is certain to be far more risky.
If interested, my articles on the topics can be found on my Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve. In particular,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Community Is Playing A Risky Game With Us
Why You Should Fear Artificial Intelligence-AI
Only 6 Possible Outcomes in Next 20 Years [ — 4 are Bad — ]
Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched
Doc’s Review of Kevin Kelly’s, “The Inevitable”
Doc Huston