Useful Stuff But Missing Political & Evolutionary Context
We all like to learn about the future and next new thing and what you indicate here is useful. But, having spent my academic and professional life in this area, absent a larger context one is simply engaged in voyeuristic window shopping not learning about the future.
Said differently, if one is genuinely curious about the future an evolutionary context is required that integrates political, economic, technological and social systems.
My Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, might be of interest to you. For example, Curated Knowledge is THE Future of All Power, Why You Should Fear Artificial Intelligence, A Funny Thing About Money and Machines, or for a big picture integration of all major evolving systems try my article, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm.
Finally, I curate a free weekly newsletter under “Harbingers” on my website, Doc Huston called Dr. J’s News
Doc Huston