True, But Maybe Missed Real Paradigm Shift
As you outline the situation it makes sense. But, as I read it, what you presented is a logical, linear extension of existing industrial model —
my best guess. The physical electrical grid as we understand it will still exist, and will continue to be operated by the public utilities we’re familiar with. Most of our energy will still come from large, centralized sources — much of that from utility-scale natural gas, and eventually wind and solar.
In other words, nothing has change beyond substituting renewables for fossil fuels — better, but still centralized model/paradigm with greater reliance of batteries.
My best guess is synthetic biology designs an organism that generates a type fuel, sans pollution, that provides decentralized energy for all systems (e.g., Craig Venter’s project). This is would be more in sync with your PC-Internet analogy.
With this paradigm you get best of both world. We could have utility scale fuel producing organisms (Venter has already outlined size and cost parameters) used to generate electricity but ALSO have home and auto units that are economical (instead of existing generators, think terrariums).
Doc Huston