This Is Moronic, Intolerant and Pretentious
Sorry, but someone needed to call you out
You set yourself up here as being what you accuse others of — a know-it-all. You offer no reliable criteria for assessing someone’s knowledge. Instead you, through some divine gift, automatically know who is knowledgeable.
Are there people who are out over their knowledge skis. Of course, a couple of questions easily sorts this out. At which point you further engage in a constructive way or walk away.
This article, however, is simply encourages intolerance of other people’s views or interpretations. Of course, like Trump, this type of intolerance is now fashionable. So this advice puts you in good company.
Having read a few of your articles the impression is that you could use a dose of humility. Often, like this article, the content is pretentious narcissism masquerading as sagacious.