Test is Spot-On. But What Are the Odds & When?
You are 100 percent correct when you say, “
Ultimately, the real test for the world will be whether, at a time when a barrage of shocking revelations is forcing us to confront the brutal realities about the institutions we depend on, we’ll be able to work together and peacefully reorganize ourselves into new, more transparent methods of governing ourselves.”
Having lived through all the disclosure you list, and knowing of similar such during the Vietnam War, Nixon and more, what has changed to suggest such a reorganization? Is the public clamoring for new institutions? Have vested interests, K-Street lobbyist, and those with conflicts of interests throwing in the towel? Politicians refusing to stand for re-election?
Silicon Valley, your backyard, has the knowledge, money and talent to start creating parallel institutions NOW. Are they doing it? No. Why? They have not seen the light you and I have.
Until you can give a solid reason those in the Valley will change and start creating new parallel institutions to get the ball rolling, things will get worse. If so, we will have failed the test. So what odds are you giving? When does this change?
Doc Huston