Sorry, But Your Engaged in Anachronistic Thinking
Actually, the pendulum does NOT always swing both ways. In a relativistic sense there are long stretches where one party dominates — think democrats from FDR though LBJ. In a broader historical sense, aristocratic systems succumbed to republics. In an absolute evolutionary sense there are only trends and events — linear and nonlinear change. (see my, The Doc Asks — What Do U No?)
First, your case — is tenuous, at best, more likely irrelevant.
- 2 years, not 4 — true. But, house gerrymandering remains and is strong. Short of some huge, mega scandal within the next 18 months, house won’t change. As for senate, there are more democrats up for reelection and in vulnerable places. So, outcome is, at best, same. (see my, One Story the Media Ignores Completely)
- Absolute power corrupts — true. While ultimately there are no secrets, and long knives will be out for DJT and friends, the time needed for abuses to surface and a convincing case made will be years. As to this team not being smart, never underestimate your opponents.
- Strong defense — partly true. The thing about government is that it dead simple to kill something and a herculean task to build something. Republicans are not interested in building, but dismantling and ending programs. As for 60 votes, not if in funding bills or, conversely, irrelevant if needed to renew something. As for Supremes, successfully voting as a party block against someone fully qualified, even if dislike views, doesn’t happen.
- Bench — dubious. Of course, someone will fill the vacuum. But absent time for DJT to fail and party to offer a BETTER plan (which dems lack), won’t matter. (see my, Missing The Vision Thing)
- Return to base — unlikely. There’s never going to be stronger unions or more jobs, or better paying jobs. Economics first dictates cheap labor then substitution of technology. Wishfully thinking, even for DJT, won’t change this reality. (see my, Capitalism and Post-Capitalism — The Whole Truth & Nothing But and Funny Thing about Money and Machines)
- Emperor has no clothes — true. But, this was always true and he still got elected. (see my, 2016 Election Makes You and Me Look Stupid and What Truthiness and Post-Fact Era Means)
- Calm and carry on — Dangerously wrong. Assumption is that evolution has stopped and things can’t get worse. Here’s where your education has thus far been insufficient. My Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, has numerous articles that can quickly bring you up to speed if you are so inclined. For example:
Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched
Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm
Civilization’s Anti-Human, Not Machines
Why You Should Fear Artificial Intelligence-AI
Doc Huston