So Much For Free Speech & Free Thinking. Thank You.
I have spent a lifetime learning about, participating in, and teaching the history, evolution and operation of this political, electoral and legal system. Further, if you took any time to look up and read ANY of my writings on my Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, you would note not an iota of selfishness or privilege. Rather, only sober analysis, commentary and suggestions.
In other words, I do not sit on the sidelines in any way, shape or form. So, yes, I have taken the high road. And, yes, we do deserve better.
Which raises the question: other than biennial or quadrennial flicking of a finger on ballot levers (which my dog has the ability to do), what is that gives you the high road? Or are you simply another attack dog, an ideologue, partisan, beltway bandit, or basically a troll?
Doc Huston