Read Report. You are All Smart Guys —But ….
Nobody doubts the benefits of AI. Nobody. Going out to 2030 is convenient given Moore’s Law and Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns. But suggesting this suffices is intellectually dishonest.
We know all AI guys want to get the fear monkey off their back and focus on what you have a passion for and or see as a route to fame and or fortune. We get that and nobody objects in principle.
But there is a world that exists after 2030.
Moreover, much of what is done between now and then will build a deep foundation that will later be taken for granted. Additionally, none of the various governmental agencies working on AI care about the benefits coming from AI — at all. That is not their mandate. Snowden and Stuxnet comes to mind.
The idea that government regulation will mean anything makes me wonder what kind of bad sh*t you are smoking. Your grandfather knew better. Having written about digital technologies for decades their is nothing the government has regulated in this industry that is to date (a) consequential and (b) not reactive. Duh! SOP.
So instead of assembling established insiders to tell us everything will be fine — we will fix the car and your washing machine —and saying we’ll worry about the big problems later, why not lay out the good and bad for all to see. To approach this technology with the seriousness it deserves (and without the pejorative assignations about those who are concerned).
This starts by viewing AI in the context of all key evolving nested systems (including competing military and intel systems), backcasting the worse case scenarios, then engaging in something akin to Telock’s superforcasting techniques.
You, as well as anyone, knows this is the big enchilada. Let’s be real and all get on the same page.
Doc Huston