Probably Peak Employment. Next, Pain & Unrest.
Your general assessment is spot on. The problem is that political systems here an elsewhere have no precedent for this situation. Consequently, as is the norm, no concrete response will be initiated before a crisis emerges. Even then, the initial response will be a tepid half measure. Meanwhile, the general pain and social unrest will amp up.
Think how the last “Great Recession” was handled and how many of Trump and Sanders supporters feel abandoned. We have only seen the opening act in this epic transformational drama.
On my Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, some of my articles might be of interest. For example, Capitalism and Post-Capitalism — The Whole Truth & Nothing But, Funny Thing about Money and Machines, Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched
A longish, but readable article that pulls everything together is entitled, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm
Doc Huston