News — At The Edge — 2/22

For the U.S., the handwriting is the wall — privacy, militarization, robot jobs, children and healthcare — as to where we now are being oriented.
Surprise! Audit finds automated license plate reader programs are a privacy nightmare —
“[M]any law enforcement agencies are violating state law…retaining personal data for lengthy periods of time, and…disseminating [it]…[which] is totally unacceptable….
[LA] alone stores 320 million license plate images, 99.9% of which were not being sought by law enforcement at the time of collection…[yet] shared with ‘hundreds’ of other agencies…[with] no record of how this was justified legally or accomplished properly.
None of the agencies has a privacy policy in line with requirements…or protections regarding account creation and use and…never audited their own systems.”
Trump is sending armed tactical forces to arrest immigrants in sanctuary cities —
“[Trump’s] targets sanctuary cities — which do not…share information with ICE or hand over immigrants…[but] waste of…law enforcement resources…endangers immigrant communities…[and] ‘put lives at risk by further militarizing our streets’….
[At] State of the Union…Trump characterized sanctuary cities as a danger to public safety and broadly painted immigrants as violent criminals…[but] characterization doesn’t hold water….[because] studies have found…they either slightly decrease crime rates or have no effect….
- Urban Affairs Review in 2017 found…cities with similar characteristics but for their sanctuary policies had ‘no statistically discernible difference’ in their rates of violent crime, rape, or property crime….
- [Another] study found…counties with sanctuary policies tend to have lower crime rates than those that don’t: about 35.5 fewer crimes per 10,000 people on average. The counties with the smallest populations exhibited even bigger differences in crime rates.
Many police chiefs say…[these] policies facilitate better crime reporting and cooperation with law enforcement in criminal investigations.”
Robots may well take your job — eventually —
“[With] robots and artificial intelligence (AI) 30% of American workers believe their jobs are likely to be replaced…in their lifetime….
In the past the relationship…has been driven by two factors: the substituting effect…and the complementing effect…[to] work more productively….
[Ahead] the substituting effect will dominate.
Advances in AI have been so rapid…[it’ll] eventually be better than people at most activities…[and] be the ‘default choice’….
A few highly paid humans will still be employed, but the rest will either struggle to find work or…[be] stuck in jobs that are…poorly paid…unstable and stressful….
[Altering] this scenario will require a change in political thinking….
[One] answer would be a ‘conditional basic income’, paid by the government and financed by taxes on the better-off…with provisos: recipients would have to make some contribution to society, such as providing social care or teaching children.
Given all the…free time, societies will also need a more coherent leisure policy….
[But] there will always be demand for services with the human touch, just as there is an appetite for ‘artisanal’ loaves as well as sliced white bread.”
Health of Children Under Threat Worldwide, Study Finds —
“[The] wealthy countries…United States, Australia, Luxembourg, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates rank in the bottom 10 countries for providing children and adolescents a healthy, sustainable future…[says] 40 child and adolescent health experts convened by the World Health Organization….
Norway, South Korea, the Netherlands, France and Ireland rank in the top five….
[Another] threat is the impact of marketing…[with] children in some countries…[seeing] 30,000 advertisements on television alone in a year…[but] ‘worse still: we have few facts and figures about….social media advertising and algorithms aimed at our children.’”
Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion Annually While Preventing 68,000 Deaths, New Study Shows —
“[A] single-payer health care system would actually save…the average American family…about $2,400 in annual savings…[though] conservative because it doesn’t factor in…[underinsured that] couldn’t afford the copays and deductibles’….
[So] annual savings of about 13 percent in national health care costs, while providing better health care access….[to] about 37 million…[who] do not have health insurance…[and] 41 million people do not have adequate [coverage]…[and] funded with less financial outlay than is incurred by employers and households paying for health-care premiums combined with existing government allocations….
’The real question is how soon…[because] seems hard to imagine that something like M4A would not…[deliver] large savings over…a decade or more.’”
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May you live long and prosper!
Doc Huston