Need New Parallel Institutions To Check & Balance
Dare say its more than “open government.” That’s a remodeling job mired in labyrinthian legerdemain nonsense — a whack-a-mole game. The elephant in the room, visible now because of the recent elections, is the need for new institutions — Hello?
The reason people don’t trust existing institutions is because the overwhelming majority of them are legacy print-era ones designed for controlled vertical informational flows. Furthermore, these have been gamed endlessly. More importantly, they don’t and won’t ever fit Omni-directional, 24/7 informational flows we will have from now on. Think a Marshall McLuhan-esque paradigm shift.
Personally, I fail to understand is why the idea of creating new institutions focused on easy to understand, reliable and accurate content and alternative forms of representation are so hard to grasp.
On my Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, there are a number of articles relevant to this topic. For example: One Story the Media Ignores Completely, Reducing Education & Knowledge Gaps, The Next Battleground for the Soul of Civilization, and Is Silicon Valley Politically Brain Dead?
Finally, the importance of creating new institutions has a larger context few appreciate — see Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched, Civilization’s Anti-Human, Not Machines, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Community Is Playing A Risky Game With Us, or the longish, but detailed big picture analysis, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm
Doc Huston