Mostly True, But Nonlinearity Usually Has A Bad Outcome
Indeed, there is a Generalized Meta-Theory of Evolution and biology is a special case (see Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm). It’s also true that “the future of the human race is likely to become much more uncertain, but we can learn to harness this uncertainty if we are willing to Embrace The Chaos and Unleash the Creativity.” (see Reducing Education & Knowledge Gaps, and A New Process to Fix Our Political System)
But, the probability of an outcome of situation confronting nonlinear dynamic situation is more often likely to be negative. For example, if we talk about this on the cosmic scale, the cosmos ends in cold dark dust. Individual galaxies, solar systems and stars do not themselves reemerge (though do provide material for new entities en route to the end of the cosmos). Same with biological systems (99.999 % extinct), cultures, languages, and businesses.
As best as I can discern, the trick to viable emergence in nonlinear evolution is alignment with the overall macro-evolutionary trajectory of the nested evolving systems. These systems create an macro-ecology of both linear and nonlinear evolution. Since meta- or macro- evolution is an infinitely patient tinkerer, it will run endless outcomes until it hits upon the one that is aligned and “maximizes the evolvability” of the nested ecology to emerge and play the “infinite game.”
Thus, as the astronomer, Carl Sagan, noted, there’s an almost 100 percent certainty other intelligent life exists in the universe. But the chance of any civilization surviving its technological epoch is probably less than one-tenth of one percent (0.001%). Our civilization is now well into its technological epoch. Moreover, the distorted stories we’re now told and telling ourselves make Sagan’s existential story ever more plausible. Something must change dramatically.
This is not to say we can’t or won’t exercise needed creativity. Rather that it is far from a foregone conclusion. (see Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched, Civilization’s Anti-Human, Not Machines, and Our Twilight Zone & What Comes Next)
That said, always enjoy your ideas!
Doc Huston