Little Bit of Knowledge Can be A Dangerous Thing
Evolution goes beyond biology to all systems, including inorganic and social. Evolution, contrary to what you suggest, in about both cooperation and competition but is dominated by entropy in all systems. Biology exhibits both as sociobiology and social biology but is agnostic as to which best able to max evolvability of biology and the cosmos.
While you are familiar with the selfish gene, appears you are not familiar with the corollary about extended phenotypes. It is where the external environment influences the species mutations selected to enhance niche fitness, i.e., nested evolving/coevolving systems like the sun and life on earth. This is where capitalism and technology play their role in the grand scheme of our sociopolitical evolution.
As to pain, the entire arc of civilization is one of pain. That today’s pain occurs in the context of an economic model of advance economies is minor compared to say, slavery. If you want to get beyond tomorrow’s pain you should be doing something constructive to evolve the political system. The silliness is blaming capitalism.
As to political systems, first, it is apparent you do not know what a democratic system is otherwise you would know we, nor has any country had one since the Greek experiment. Second, autonomous systems dominate as a result of capitalist economics and technological return on capital, not political systems. Third, the threat is no longer fascism, overt repression, rather covert repression. But, again you seem to not recognize the difference or consequences. Finally, attacking my intentions does nothing to advance your argument.
Doc Huston