Helps to Be More Circumspect
Protestation and disclaimers to the contrary, asking if someone is a fascist is an attack. It implies one is such unless able to prove otherwise as a negative. For example, are you a closeted bigot and racist? I have lots of articles that do prove my bona fides as being otherwise, but you chose not to explore and find out.
Where autonomous systems take us is simple: either nirvana or self-destruction. The issue is not autonomous systems per se, but who designs, develops and applies them. If, as is now the case, the military and private entities control these activities the outcome is likely to be bad. My TechCrunch article related to this topic can be found on my Medium publication, A Passion to Evolve, called, Why You Should Be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence, and in more detail in my article, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm.
If you want to understand how theory of evolution fits into social systems, then you should read my article, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm. The article walks you through all the steps needed to connect the dots. While this may be ne to you this is well established science.
Capitalism can be temporarily distorted in one locale by a given political system, but ultimately capitalism is a force of nature that will work around any locale. My articles, Funny Thing About Money and Machines, Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm, among others address this. If you do not believe me try Karl Marx’s Das Capital as a primer, or likes of Peter Drucker, Milton Friedman, Murry Bookchin.
Issue is not whether one likes capitalism. It is real and its evolution is beyond the control of political systems. If it were otherwise there would be no oscillations.
As to Robber Barron excesses, (a) Adam Smith noted the inherent nature of capitalism was toward monopoly (b) All systems in nature have a tendency to overshoot, but all such trends end with some event (c) Issue of monopoly and capitalism today is unlike U.S. or other national anti-trust policies because there is no international corollary. Thus, capitalism today is accelerating as a force of nature and thus accelerating its socioeconomic impacts.
There is a difference between capitalism and political systems. As I read your concerns, they appear to be more about the political system. Should you choose to read some of my articles, especially starting with Macroscopic Evolutionary Paradigm, you will discover how to connect economic, technological and political dots. Failure to evolve the political system makes all other concerns moot.
Bottom-line is that your concerns would be more usefully directed toward evolving the political system. As it stands, the evolution of political systems has been arrested at medieval designs.
The field of human agency will only be open for a limited time, however, until, by accident or design, one of the emerging weapons of mass destruction occurs and or artificial general intelligence (AGI) experiences an intelligence explosion.
Doc Huston