Great Pivot. Attack Me the Messenger Instead.
It is telling that after my review of your 2020 proposal — as appearing to be a scam — and your response that it was due to poor verbiage choices and my feedback is invaluable, you now turn to attack me personally AND do so in a manner that is deliberately hidden from public view.
When I said, “Words and Actions Matter. My Concerns Remain.,” you responded with “Because I sensed a shared vision. Subsequently that shared vision has been proven to be a balloon full of hot air.”
When I said, “Parroting My Verbiage Without Understanding,” you responded with “Neither of your statements are accurate, and if you’re the kind of person who persistently claims that everyone else’s but your ideas are “absurd, foolish and undesirable,” I think I’m starting to get a clearer idea of who and what Doc Huston is about: the promotion of his ideas as the be-all and end-all of wisdom. I hope it works out for you. The future of humanity is at stake and at this late stage of the game, we need to keep all options option.”
- First, as previously noted, I have been thinking, writing and actively seeking to make positive and constructive civilizational change longer than you have been on the planet.
- Second, while I never suggest I have all the answers, there is little doubt I am completely open and transparent in all my endeavors. That is in stark contrast to you and you partner, Jonathan Kolber. If you have better ideas and answers, you should never be deliberately hiding them. Open civil discourse is the only thing that can succeed.
- Third, whether or not the two of you actually are scammers and conmen remains to be seen. That you refused to make any of the substantive suggestions made for your 2020 efforts — more open and transparent, less elitist and expensive — suggests you may well be such.
- Finally, there is a genuine crisis at hand and potential existential one ahead. But, despite the best of intentions and plans, half-baked, bad, non-open, non-transparent, non-inclusive, intolerant and naïve ideas and plans will advance nothing. More importantly, it has the real potential for wasting our most valuable resources — people’s limited time, attention, and good will. I have been around long enough to have seen this movie before. As is, this is all you offer so far.
Shame on you and your partner(s).
Doc Huston