Evolution Exhibits A Figure-Ground Reversal
Change, of course, is the only constant in the universe. It does have, however, directionality (i.e., entropy). So free will must be within the flow.
Existentialism long ago sought an answer to your core question.
- Albert Camus saw it as “To be is to do.” As with self-awareness, you must know what your core being is or you will always be out of phase. So, for him, being alive at a given moment is where optimism resides. There are just too many variables to assume the future is likely to be better.
- Jean-Paul Sartre saw it as “To do is to be.” Life is a Hobbesian struggle that must be won anew every day. So, for him, the trick is to get through the day with something to show for it in the hope things will be better in the future.
Obviously, life is both. Effectively exercising either at a given time in life requires being within the cosmic flow. That said, when the big picture of cosmic evolution is view as a whole, the direction of the flow seems oriented to maximizing evolvability.
Doc Huston