Again, You Are Talking Nonsense
No one disagrees that these are weird, crazy times — duh! Suggesting the global order is collapsing and crumbling is nonsense. Moreover, you seem to ignore the resources at the disposal of this order — e.g., economic, military, surveillance — not that this is comforting.
Suggesting the result of this imaginary collapse is a vacuum and that the “truth is that in a vacuum regress happens” is complete nonsense. As the familiar aphorism states, nature abhors a vacuum. It does not “regress”; you made that up out of whole cloth! The vacuum will be filled, what it is unclear, despite your delusional prescience.
Suggesting we are regressing to an older way of organizing society because the “newer” way failed or was due to poor leaders is similar nonsense. The fact is what you are calling the “newer way” is the medieval way, codified in the Enlightenment and instituted before the Industrial Revolution. As to poor leaders, that is a longing for something older still — a messianic quest, which is also nonsense.
We do badly need to explore and experiment with new and novel political systems and institutions. What you are spewing, however, is too close to that of jihadists for comfort and genuinely unhelpful in remedying issues we face.
Doc Huston