Actually, This Description Was Confusing
If using Wikipedia definition, then spectrum actually runs from the quantum (perhaps strings) to edge of the cosmos (micro- to macro- scopic). Reality, in any form, including AR, VR and MR, is real. It is like saying something is not natural — but everything in the universe is natural.
Assume what you are trying to say and map (remembering the map is not the territory, of course) is something more along the lines of a sequence of physical activities and items that can/will be translated/coded to migrate into a purely digital realm (which is itself fraught idea if, as in many instances, items and activities in pure digital world can, via 3D or 4D printing or robotics, materialize in physical world).
But, frankly, based on what was said here, it is unclear what this exercise is seeking to accomplish. Sorry.
Doc Huston